About Me

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I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back in the saddle again


I have finally gotten back in the studio again.  I think that I was a little burned out after the fall shows.  I have been reading alot and looking at alot of books and magazines and I am beginning to feel like it is time to get back into the swing of things.  I have noticed a pattern with me.  Every year around the holidays and through Jan. and Feb. I really have to dig deep to find my muse.  I think I get a slight attack of "Cabin Fever".  I just want to hunker down inside and find comfort in the house and with the critters.  I have been dabbling again and I started my "Edgar" painting last week.  It has been working slowly, but it is coming along.

Here I have began working on the cat and did some fine tuning.

Still fine tuning the clothes and have more to do, but it is going okay.

I did this yesterday and am not overly happy with it.  I think I will do a little mixed media with it. One day.......I am going to master these flowers.

I hope that you have all been finding YOUR muse and living the creative life.

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  1. Hey - good to have you back again :-)
    The POE piece is coming along nicely... it's going to be awesome !!! :-D xxx

  2. I LOVE the Poe painting- and I really like the flower painting too. However- if you don't like it I think it's a fabulous idea to play with it more- I hope you show what you decide to do! I have a hard time with January and February also- for me it really is about hibernating because it's just so darn cold in Minnesota in those months. Glad your muse is coming back :)

  3. These both look wonderful to me. I have a tough time painting flowers. I have been hibernating too because it has been really cold here. I'm glad to see some new paintings form you.

  4. YaY - Thank you for entering this fantastic creation over at QUOTH THE RAVEN... it's AWESOME !!!
    IKE xxx

  5. WOW!! I am totally thrilled you have entered this master piece with us at Quoth the Raven, I do hope to see you join us again, totally fabulous piece of work
    Shell xx

