This guy was my heart. I called him Henry. We found him on the side of the road, on a bridge on late night about 3 years ago. He had been hit by a car and left there. We picked him up and took him to the Docs. He had a broken pelvis, heart worms, intestional worms and was very malnourished. He was only about 2 when we found him. He was the most devoted and loyal friend that I ever had. One day, last July, God called for him. I found him dead in my back yard ( I had just visited with him about an hour before and he was fine). He and the other dogs stay in the fenced in area when I am at work and I had a bit of gardening to do before I was going to let them in. I found him lying in the yard. My heart broke that night. He will always be remembered. Doc said that it was probably something genetic. Maybe a heart attack or stroke. But it is hard to say goodbye when they are so young and outwardly healthy. |
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