About Me

My photo
I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Come visit my art webpage


I call this piece "Skin Deep" and it is offered on my webpage http://venusbluesarthideaway.com

For a preview of some of the art on my webpage scroll down.  To go directly to my site  Press here:  Venus Blues Art H ideaway

I call this piece "So Vogue", it too is offered at by site http://venusbluesarthideaway.com

I call this piece "Angels Heart", available at my website http://venusbluesarthideaway.com

Available on my website and on Etsy

Available on my website http://venusbluesarthideaway.com


  1. These are great, Faye! I love, love, love "Skin Deep". Awesome!

  2. Lovely to 'meet' you in the bloggy world Faye. Some powerful pieces of art here. I like!!

