About Me

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I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Love the Color and Freedom

WellI, one day closer to Friday--Thank Goodness!!
I find myself wishing my life away, waiting for the weekends. It isn't that I don't like my job, it is just that I like being at home in my studio better :)

These are a couple of pieces that I got out last weekend. I am trying to get ready for a show later this month and have really been trying to get the pieces out.

I have found a new love--abstract. I really LOVE it. I love the lack of rules. Just do what ya feel. Appealing, isn't it?

I have been doing these pieces, adding gobs of texture to them. I hope they sell or my house will be done in abstracts :)

Hope ya'll have a great Thursday.


Friday, March 23, 2012


Thank God it's Friday!!!  I  am so ready for the weekend.  I got
into my studio last night and got a piece textured for an abstract and worked on one of the abstracts that I have already begun.  I have decided that I LOVE doing them.  It gives you so much freedom.  Just sling paint!! Yes!!

The piece to the left is titled "Hennessy".  She is one of my latest pieces.  She still needs to be framed, but for the most part, she is done.

 I have another Angel started, if all works out well, I will work on her the weekend and maybe, if I am lucky, finish her up.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Monday, March 19, 2012

Productive Weekend

I actually had a very productive weekend.  It was really nice.  The weather was beautiful and I got a chance to spend the  whole day sunday in my studio.  I wanted to try my hand at abstract art.  The piece above is one that I just about finished this weekend. It has a textured background. I put glue, sheetrock mud and loads of texture in the mud.  I then gessoed and painted the canvas.
 The painting above is one of a Tryptch.  It is an abstract for my son.  He wanted something that wasn't really feminine to hang in his apartment.  I made this piece with glue, sheetrock mud, eggshells, sand and sawdust.  I call the three piece set "Space Odyssey.
 A few close-ups.

This is the second piece of the set.  It is to be hing in the center of the set.  It is textured with Sheetrock mud, glue, string, eggshells, sand and sawdust. 

  This is the last piece of the Set.  It is textured in the same way as the previous two pieces.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Steampunk Sally

 We had a real rainy weekend but didn't wipe us out completely.  I didn't get into the studio to really do any projects, I did get to go into my junk jewelry stash and dig through that.  I was looking for components to use for my jewelry making.  I just love sitting down and going through it.    I worked on a couple pieces of jewelry but didn't finish any thing.  Saturday we spent all day doing yard work.  We hadn't raked or mowed this year, so it was time.  My back yard is fenced in and the dogs stay out there in the daytime.  They come in with me in the evenings.  Archie, my oldest, has very short legs and had to hop through the grass in the backyard.  When you can't see your dogs over the grass--it's time to mow.  So, we did catch up with that before the rain came in.  We also planted  5 small cedar trees to replace some of the trees that we lost. 

Hopefully, this weekend, I can get into the studio.  I ordered some Gallery canvas from dick blick and I am hoping that it makes it in before the weekend.  Hope you all have a great, happy day!
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Monday, March 5, 2012

Joanie's Quest (Latest Pieces)

I call this piece "Joanie's Quest". It is made on an
old piece of wood flooring that was torn out of a local
college and a ceramic tile.

The heart is made out of apoxy clay that is dyed
with ink.

The metal band on the top is a piece of metal
strapping that I got from the job.

The lace is very old, I got it from a trade show.
The compas came from the dollar tree. I used
Modern Options to rust it.

Finished piece.

Sketch for my next painting.

Beginning of the painting.

These are some jewelry pendant that I am working
on. They are made from dried flowers that I dried last summer
and findings that I bought at Hobby Lobby. Some are
inlaid with old text.

All in all, I had a pretty good weekend. I managed to get a piece out and a few more started. I also helped my son move on Sunday. He is finally flying out of the nest (again). I can't say that I won't miss him, but now I can finally start on my house. He has been living in the house that we want to renovate. Now--maybe, if luck holds...........keep your fingers crossed-we can start on it. I have all of the big plans and I can see it all in my head. Just gotta get it started and see if the finished product looks like "vision" that I have for it.
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