About Me

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I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Thank God it's Friday!!!  I  am so ready for the weekend.  I got
into my studio last night and got a piece textured for an abstract and worked on one of the abstracts that I have already begun.  I have decided that I LOVE doing them.  It gives you so much freedom.  Just sling paint!! Yes!!

The piece to the left is titled "Hennessy".  She is one of my latest pieces.  She still needs to be framed, but for the most part, she is done.

 I have another Angel started, if all works out well, I will work on her the weekend and maybe, if I am lucky, finish her up.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful - I like her a lot :-) Fabulous background too xxx

