About Me

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I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend At Canton

My Hubby, Lewis and I and my sister and brother-in-law spent the weekend in Canton Tx. last week.  We had a good time.  I always love going there.  I had a list of items that I needed to get, including small animal skulls and old silverware.  There were a few other odds and ends that I wanted to get.  You can find items there that you just can't find anywhere else. I use the small skulls and silverware for my art and my stock has been nearly depleted. 

The picture above is my hubby, Lewis pulling our buggy back to the truck to unload it.  I found a nice large wood panel to paint on and an old furnitiure store sign that I am gong to leave "as is" and hang up.

It is getting near festival time again and during the last show I took an inventory of the prints that I had run out of.  I spent last week trying to get caught up on the print making.  All I have to do now is to varnish them, add the saw tooth hanger and pop into a cello bag. I printed 20 canvas prints last week and also printed about 30 paper prints.  My show is next weekend.  It is the Highland Jazz Festival, and then it begins. I have a show the weekend after that and the weekend after that............, so now is the time to play "catch up". 
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  1. So love your art and lucky you for having a great place to shop in Canton.It's hard to find that sort of thing in Michigan !

  2. wow-that looks like a fun place! Good luck at your shows-hope you have great weather and sell lots!

