Lewis bought this workbench for me for Valentine's Day. We put it together this weekend. It came all the way from China and was only missing 1 piece. I guess, if you consider that there were about 30 pieces, one missing piece isn't too bad. Lewis made the back piece to one of the drawers (the piece that was missing). I am going to use this as a jewelry work station. I got to try it out this weekend, I made about 10 pendants. They are all drying now. I had an awesome weekend. We were going to go to town, but with the parades going on this weekend, we decided to stay in--I am glad that we did. We got the table put together, stocked, and as an added bonus, I even got to use my new room and table. I will post pictures of the necklaces when they are done.

Lewis came into the studio and asked me to "feel in his pocket", he had this huge skink in it. I thought that he would run away before I got a good picture of him, but he was a "good little lizard" and stayed still for the photo. Isn't he awesome!! I am a reptilian. I love snakes and turtles and frogs.
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