About Me

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I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I know that I should be ashamed--I have not written on my blog for over a month.  My intentions are always good but I just get so busy.  We are finishing a project (building) and the end of the job is always so hectic and time consuming.  I thought I would play catch-up today.  Alot has went on since I have last written.

Firstly, tomorrow is Henry's Death Anniversary.  He will be dead a year tomorrow.  For those of you who didn't know Henry (photo above), he was the love of my life.  A foundling that I had rescued on the side of the road, he had been hit by a car and left to die.  My husband and i picked him up and took him to the vet.  A broken pelvis, heart worms, intestonal worms, starved..........he had it all.  But he also had the biggest heart that I have ever seen in a dog. He loved his mama and I loved him.  I will miss him always.  He was only 3 when he died.  Here is Henry's Poem.
   God Wanted You, Too.
My Henry
I found you crumpled on the road
Scared and Broken-Still as a stone.

We picked you up and brought you home
From this day forward you would not be alone.

Wounded and silent, you made not a sound.
In a little red wagon I pulled you around.

A favor for you is what we thought.
A new lease on life for you we bought.

A broken dog with 2 bad hips.
Would you ever get around without a limp?

Lack-luster fur, all skin and bones
What a gift to you when we gave you a home.

I didn't know then what I've come to know now.
You became my best friend, my most trusted pal.

Giving all love and asking nothing in return.
For just one more look from you I will forever yearn.

Your heart was too small for all of that love.
And God called for you to join him above.

God wanted you too, and he knows best.
But for you to leave me so soon, I would never have guessed.

I miss your big brown eyes and all of your goofy ways.
Your unconditional love, our evenings on the couch where beside me you'd lay.

Reminders of you are all through the house.
Yesterday at Walmart I almost cried when I picked up a toy mouse.

These little things I see make me think of you.
Remembering all of the things that you used to do.

So long old pal, you were a great friend.
But, one day Henry, I will see you again

I wrote that for Henry after he died.  The reference about the mouse in the poem is because he had 2 toy mice that he carried around and when he had them he would not put them down.  He would carry them until they were just drenched.  I would finally have to take them away from him and put them up--he would wear himself out protecting them.  They wouldn't have a bit mark on them and he would not let any of the other animals next to them.  I still miss him so much.

On a lighter note--I am through with the shows until the fall.  I have been busy with getting hay in the barn for the horses.  We went and got them 250 bales and hefted them to the second story of the barn. OMG!! What was I thinking when I built a loft!!  Next year I am going to have a conveyor belt--I am!!!  We are ready for the winter now.  My garden has been planted and I have been reaping some of the rewards from that.  I still pray for rain, the plants are beginning to wither.  I am afraid that they will die soon if we don't get some rain.  It is too large to irrigate.  The pictures above of of a Killdeer that had laid eggs on our work site.  She sat so diligently on her three eggs-through heat, and tractors, and bulldozers and ditch witches.  She would not be sidetracked.  She had a mission.  She started out with 3 eggs--then one weekend we came back and she only had one.  I don't know what happened to the other eggs.  She sat on that egg through thick and then.  I talked to EVERYONE on the site and warned them not to disturb her.  It was getting close to landscape time, and the irrigation lines were going in next to her--sod would be coming in soon and finally..............after about 26 days.............SUCCESS.  We finally had our baby.  It was so precious and I was so relieved.  I just couldn't stand the thought of someone coming in and destroying the egg-either intentionally or unintentionally.  I did the happy dance when I went out that afternoon to check on mama. At first, alarm bells rang because I didn't see her egg, but on closer inspection, I saw the chick.  Happy days!! Thank you Jesus.  I have worried and worried about the little guy and he finally came out into the big, bad world.  

Also, I sent an application to the Shreveport Regional Arts for an upcoming project that they going to do with two artists from Boston.  It is to build a salvage project in the middle of the SRAC building.  The project last as week.  I know the odds of me getting picked are slim, but I sent in the Application Letter and resume's.  Got both fingers crossed for that one.  If I don't get picked--that's okay, at least I tried.

Had a wonderful 4th and hope that you all did to.

Chat soon.


  1. I wish you good luck with your application. And a heartfelt condolences for your dog. The years go by but they will never leave your heart.
    Xo, Bri

  2. What a wonderful blog. I found you at sweet repose (Sharon" blog) Love your creative steampunk art and all your critter stories. I loved your tribute poem the most. Sounds like you both were very lucky to have found each other.

