Painting and Gardening are two of my passions, of course, there are many more and I squeeze them in when I can. I love to decorate the yard with unusual finds. The alligator above is one of my favorites. Lewis found it on the job site and brought it home to me. It was buried in the tall grass and weeds. I call him Alfred. He guards the entrance. The pink creation above and at the right is an original--She came from Melrose. I bought her at my last show from a man that was set up across from me--I call her "Pinky", of course :)
This little guy also came from Melrose, he is a bird feeder and we call him blaze ( his colors look like fire).
Paul, Jr. found this old bike for me and those of you who know me, know that I adore old rusty things. I have this beauty parked by the tree just on the other side of my porch. The ivy on and around the tree came from a neighbor that I used to have. She gave me a couple of sprigs and I planted it around the trees-it has taken off. We have had a tough, dry summer but hopefully there is rain in the future. Guess I gotta get out and do a rain dance.
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