About Me

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I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Shows

Well, the spring and summer shows are over--and to tell the truth, it is a relief.  I only did two shows this summer, but they were big shows.  I never feel fully prepared for them.  I guess that is human nature--always wanting more than you have.  I did have more pieces than I have had in my previous shows though.  I was off work for over a month.............a whole, glorious month.  I enjoyed every minute of it.  I got to spend more time in the studio than I have in a long time.  At one point, I was getting out about 7 pieces a week.  I thought that was pretty darn good.  I went back to work about 2 weeks ago, and haven't made it to the studio since then.  My husband and I have made big progress in getting the barn finished and when that is done, my studio will expand.  I can't wait!  These are a few of the pieces that I finished on my time off.  My son has spoken for the skull piece, so I haven't really tried to sell that--it freaks some people out and some people love it.  I have had alot of positive feedback from my last two shows--gave out all of my business cards.  Hopefully, my website will be up and running soon.  Maybe then I can begin to really build up the business aspect of my art.  I am thinking that I will take custom orders for my angels.  I think that will open me up to a whole new group of people.  I am excited about that.  My goal is to have a fully loaded site before my next show.  The weather here has been brutal, all of my time is spent watering flowers and vegetables.  I have a nice sized gourd patch but am having a hard time keeping it going.  Last night when I was watering a young bird followed me all over the yard, almost landing on me more than several times.  It would let me walk right up to it within several feet and when I moved to a  different location and watered, she would follow me.  I put a bowl of water out for her and sprayed her with the hose.  I think she really enjoyed it. Just down the steps of my porch I have a water tub filled up with water and the toads come by every evening and go swimming.  There used to be just one, but last night there were two--they seem to revel in the coolness of the water--just float.  Lucky toads!! At least there is a spot for them to get cool.  Out here on the site, the conditions are brutal.  100+/- every day.  I look forward to the fall months. My favorite time of year.

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