A beautif site--a barn full of hay. |
Well, this weekend I got someting accomplished that I dread ALL year long but have to do every year--yep, that is to get hay for the horses. I only get 200 bales but it feels like a thousand!! We started early saturday morning and were back home by about 10. This year was a new experience, we had to figure out how to get it into the barn. If you have been keeping up with my posts, you kn ow that my husband and I were building a new barn. It is a 2 story and the hay goes on the top. We did pretty good up while we could stand on the top of the hay wagon and throw it in the doorway--a little engineering had to be performed when we had to rig up a device to get it up to the 2nd floor when the haystack got lower. We have a pulley hooked to the roof of the barn and used a hook to latch onto the bales and pull them up. It took a little longer than it normally does, but hey........the hay is in the new barn........yippee. That means the old hay barn becomes my new work room. I was able to get up to my studio a few evenings this week and even some this weekend. It refreshes me, and it was much needed. I sorted through some of my stuff and took it down stairs to my new workroom, while I was doing that I took a few pictures of my treasures that me and my husband have found at work--we are dredging sand from the Red River and these goodies are some of the things that we have found, yeah I know, it looks like trash to most of you but to me it is a treasure.
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