This is one of my latest foundlings--his name is Big John. We have had him just over a year and he becomes sweeter every day. I love all of my critters and each one has their own individual personality. John is a herd dog and if you look up his breed (Great Pyrenees) one part of the description reads " devoted to its family and wary of strangers. .........gentle and affectionate with those he loves and devoted to family even if self sacrifice is required..........He meets this description to a "T". He is one of the most loyal and devoted dogs that we have ever had. Someone threw him away about a year ago. When we found him he was starving, had heart worms, intestinal worms, and an ear infection. He was rail thin and not very trusting. If you were to see him now you wouldn't think that it was the same dog. He looks at you with such love in his eyes and he wants his "herd" accounted for at all times. He dislikes it intensely if one of us goes outside and doesn't take him with them--he can't rest until the other party comes back inside. He only has one lingering problem from when we found him--his ear infections. The have come back repeatedly. Well, I say repeatedly, he has had three in the past year. Doc says that it is because he has such heavy ears and air can't get to them. We are in the middle of fighting one now. You know, my animals are such an integral part of my life that I couldn't imagine my life without them. God has blessed me with beautiful and well behaved creatures and I love them, every one.
On a lighter note--I am now officially off for the weekend. We pulled an all-nighter at work and get to take off early. YES ! I love the weekend. I live for the weekend actually. There is a flea market in Arcadia that we are planning on going to this weekend. There are also alot of little antique stores in this little town. One of my favorite past times is shopping for antiques. Just the history and mystery behind them enthralls me.
While I am babbling I would also like to say a prayer for my BF Lynn. She lost someone very dear to her yesterday and right now her heart is broken. Please include her in your prayers also.
Hope that you all have a great weekend.