About Me

My photo
I live in La, work full time and dabble in art when ever I can. I would love to be able to do my art full time--who knows, maybe one day I will. In the past year, I started doing Festivals, trying to sell my Art. It is A LOT of work, but worth it. I have met so many people with the same interests as myself.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lewis and John

John and Lewis
Lucky Me!!! I have had rain three nights in a row--the whole world looks different. My egg plants have revitalized.  I would just love it if we could get a little rain every day.  We took our two kids (dogs) to the vet yesterday evening.  John, our baby pictured above, is a foundling.  We found him a year ago this July.  When we found him he had heart worms.  We have been giving him the preventative for a year.  He was tested yesterday and had 0 heart worms--he is cured!! That is great news, I was a little worried about it.  You know, I don't have any small kids and I look at my critters as my kids.  I spoil every one of them.  Hope that you all have a great day.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shopping At Antique Stores

Happy to report that we got a little more rain last night.  Lewis mowed the grass in the mist.  I think that it was much nicer that way--no dust storms.  It would be so nice if we could get a little rain every evening.  I would love the rain to set in and last for days--no such luck in the summertime in Louisiana.  We are lucky to get any rain in the summer months.  My mom is coming down next week.  I haven't seen her for 6 years.  I am excited to see her. We have a lot of catching up to do.  I have been doing some clean-up around the place.  Not as much as I should do.  I will probably spend very little time in the studio over the next few weeks.  I have a couple of pieces in the works--I am excited to get them out. I have been waiting for supplies for one piece for about 3 weeks--I did finally get it.  Now, I just have to compose the piece.  While Mom is here we will probably do a lot of shopping--Flea Markets, antique stores and thrift stores.  Yeah!! My kinda shopping.  I love digging through old boxes and bins.  I could dig around in old antique stores for hours.  One day, when I get my studio organized :) I will be able to find all of the neat finds that I have found.  When the barn gets done, I can start working on my work shop and storage area.  So many plans, so little time.  Hope that you all have a great day.  Be safe.  F.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Venus Blues Hideaway: New Pieces

Venus Blues Hideaway: New Pieces

New Pieces

I spent a little time in my studio this weekend--it wasn't much time, but it was enough to revive me.  I worked on a few pieces and cleaned up the studio a little bit.  How does it get so bad??  I am not an organized person--I try, but I am not always successful.  I have to clean between projects, if I don't I have nowhere to work.

I am feeling a little better now--I still miss Henry and will for a long time.  John and Lenore seem to miss him alot too.  I guess it will just take a little time.

On a brighter note, we did get a little rain--not a lot, but I am grateful for every little bit that we get.  I spend so much time just trying to keep my plants alive--I am so ready for fall.  I know, I know, I have a few months to go--but none the less, I am ready.

The piece on the right is my newest piece.  It is called "Frankie's Journal" It features Frankie the angel.  It swings toward "steampunk".  It is a fun piece.

Hope that you all have a great evening.
Be Safe

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fall Shows

Mooringsport Show
The photo above was taken at the Mooringsport Festival--it is a small show but a good show.  I guess my booth is always in transformation.  I keep trying to find the "perfect set-up".  I have found out the that Grid Wall system is the way to go.  I was using plywood walls that my husband built for me, but they are too heavy and cumbersome.  Also, when a piece sells you end up with empty spots because it is too hard to move the pictures around.  I f you are contemplating having a booth--I would definitely consider the grid walls.  I have to get busy with lining up the fall shows.  I will probably do one in Oct., and 2 in Nov., and 1 in December.  I need to start getting my applications in.  The summer shows here are just too hot.   Especially this year.  The temperature wants to linger around 100 degrees.  I am a "fall" person and can't wait 'til it gets here.  Haven't made it up to the studio this week, but did get some supplies in that I have been waiting for to finish a project.  I am hoping that this weekend I can get up there and start working on a few things.  If you are in one of the regions that are experiencing the heat wave-be cool.  Stay safe.  F.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Skin Deep
The Eyes of a Clown
Pearls of Wisdom

As promised, here are the pictures of the projects that I started and finished this past weekend.  Some days are just good days.  The first one is called "Skin Deep", it is only in the beginning stages and looks a little gory right now.  It still has alot of work to be done before it is finished.  The second piece, "The eyes of a Clown" worked remarkably fast.  I had it finished in record time.  I painted her in acrylic and used acrylic paint pens to paint the black designs, the third project "Pearls of Wisdom" is an order that was placed too long ago. I finally finished it--I am going to put this one in the art show in September.  I have a few sketches drawn that I plan to incorporate into paintings, just have to have the time to get to it.  I haven't been up to the studio this week. I plan on maybe getting up there tonight and starting a tile or canvas.  Or maybe just work on my assemblage piece.  The weather here is so hot, we fight it all day--when I finally get home I just want to soak up the AC.  The art show is in September, I am hoping to at least get several more pieces completed for that.  I can't wait to finish my studio.  If you keep up with my blog, you know that we built a barn and I am planning on using the old tack room and feed rooms for storage and a work area.  That will free up so much room in my studio and make life so much easier.  I am planning on making part of the feed room a mini workshop.  I am going to add an "L" shaped work bench in there (along with additional plugs and lighting) and set up my tool room there.  It will be easier to use my hammers, saws, drills, dremels, etc. if I can just grab them and use them.  I am so excited about that.  Hopefully, by this fall, it will be done and in use.  Your work space matters.  If it is set up efficiently, it just makes it so much easier and less hectic.  I have shelves that were given to be by a neighbor and I am going to install them on the other side of the tool room and fill them with labeled boxes of materials and supplies, etc.  I would like to make the old feed room into a storage area for frames and canvases.  Maybe hang the frames on the wall and put the canvases on the shelves.  Can't wait!!  I haven't loaded myself up with shows this spring/summer like I normally do.  I just can't seem to get the inventory that I need to sustain me though the shows.  I have a few shows planned but am taking it easy until I get my studio the way that I want.  There are only so many hours in a day and after working full time, it leaves little time to squeeze in all of the other things. I think my website will be up and running soon.  That will be a real treat.  I would love to be able to sell my art without setting up at all the shows and festivals, but I think that you get so many contacts by doing the shows that it is worth your while.   Hope that you all have a blessed day.  F.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Retreat

I was able to get into the studio this weekend and get out a few projects.  I took pictures of the pieces that I finished but didn't get a chance to down-load them.   Sometimes, the time that is spent working on a project is so productive and sometimes, it is an uphill battle.  I don't know what determines it--that's just the way that it is.  This past weekend, everything just flowed.  I knew what I wanted to paint/build and it went so smoothly.  There are other times though, that it feels like the process is standing still, your forcing it along.  I think that if I can determine the destination of the project before I get started, it helps.  Some people say that working from a sketch hinders them, stops the creative juices from flowing.  For me, it is the opposite.  If I have a clear vision where I am going then there is no indecisiveness.  I have a clear path and a clear mind.  If I jump head-long into a project without a clear vision, there is a battle to the finish.  I knew this weekend where I was going and in the process had so much more constructive time.  I actually finished a painting, finished an assemblage piece and began another assemblage. I hope to have the pictures uploaded by tomorrow.  Hope that you all have a blessed day.  F.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Artist of the Month

Here is a photo and write-up that was taken at the Grand
Cane Art Gallery.  I have been working with Jody for
about a year trying to schedule and get my pieces in the Gallery.  She is wonderful--the write-up she did is great and I want to thank her for all of her help in getting set up.  I am "Artist of the Month for September"--woo hoo.  Great!!!Anyway, just wanted to put my write up in and thank Jody for her help.  For anyone in the area--hope to see you in Grand Cane on Sept. 2.

Hope that you all have a blessed day.

Friday, July 15, 2011

When life gives you lemons..............

I have been experimenting with planting seeds from fruits and veggies that I buy.  So far, the avocado has been the most successful.  We planted an avocado seed and it has grown into a small tree.  It is about 3-4' tall.  These little seedlings here are from Lemons.  I just put them in a pot and kept them moist--they are growing pretty good.  I have also planted orange seeds but they haven't started to grow yet.  I planted them later than I planted the lemon seeds.  We'll just have to see what happens. I also planted plum seeds--so far, nothing.  Most of our garden we planted from seeds that we saved from last year.  We dry them out, put them in bags and freeze them until we are ready to use them.  That preserves them.  Our garden hasn't been a huge success this year, too dry, too many bugs, birds, racoons and opossums.  It has been a battle.  Hopefully--next year will be better.  One thing that we have really enjoyed are the melons.  They did well this year.  I keep a bowl cut up in the refrigerator so they are easy to get to and cold.  We eat them better that way.  A weekend is upon us--TGIF. Hope that you all have a blessed day.  F.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Morning Glory

Yesterday, we resumed "Horse Feet".  It was 104 degrees when we got home from work--we decided to wait to clip hooves until about 7:30 p.m.  At 7:30 it was still 94 degrees.  Man, this is a tough summer..  I am more than ready for it to be over.  This heat is so hard on plants, animals and people.  Maybe (keep my fingers crossed) we will get some much needed rain this week.  I think that there is about a  30 percent chance--not much I know, but better than 10 Percent.  Today has been really nice, so far.  It is only 86 degrees and it is 11 am.  It has been running much hotter than that.  I think that the weather forecaster said that we had 27 days over 100 degrees so far this year, and 18 of the days were consecutive.  Whew--sounds hot, doesn't it?  Haven't made it up to the studio any days this week--some weeks are just like that.  Too much going on.  Maybe now that the horses are out of the way I can get some art work out.  I did check on shipping materials and found them locally at a pretty reasonable price.  Would love to get my web site up and running, maybe one day I could quit my day job.  Wouldn't that be a hoot!!  I would think that I had died and went to heaven.  The morning glory pictured above is one of my new flowers this year.  I had previously planted some purple ones and they are gorgeous, this year I planted "Scarlet O'Hara's and a "Patriotic Mixture".  I think that morning glory's are beautiful flowers, just don't get to see them much.  Usually  when I go to work it's dark and when I get home they are closed for the day.  Weekends I get to see them, though.  Hope that you all have a "Cool" day.  Be safe, F.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


We went home last night and took up where we left off on  "horse feet".  Last night we worked on Savannah.  A little sorrel quarter horse.  Savanna was my first horse.  I got her when she was 6 mos. old.  Out of all of the horses, I have to say that she is the most head-strong
and stubborn.  She hasn't a mean bone in her body but she
is very strong willed and stubborn.  She loves hugs and will follow you all over the pasture.  If you are working and happen to leave your tools in the pasture--they belong to her.  You will see her rear end as she is walking away with your stuff!  She is a sweetie  and a joy.  She is usually the one that gives you a hard time when you clip hooves, but last night she was an amazingly good girl.  So, of course, she got cookies afterwards.  My sunflowers pictured right and below are blooming now. Big, yellow flowers.  Lewis bought me the seeds and I planted them in early summer.  I will try to save some of the seeds for next year--sometimes that is hard to do with the squirrels and the birds.  The bees and the hummingbirds really enjoy them.  I was surprised at the height of them--they reached nearly 7 ft.  Hope that you all have a blessed day.  F.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last night we went home and worked on "Horse Feet"--we gave Ringo, my girl here a pedicure.  She did so good, I was proud of her.  She is still young and sometimes can be very headstrong and she is big as an Ox.  She is part Belgian and part Thoroughbred.  She probably stands around 17 hands.  She doesn't know her own strength and believe me, that is a good thing.  On the way home last night we stopped by Tractor Supply.  If anyone reading this works at Tractor Supply I apologize, but I don't know how they stay in business.  The checker that rang us up had a terrible attitude, charged us for the wrong gates (after she argued with us about whether they carried them), gave us a refund and lost our ticket and swore she gave it back to Lewis.  I found it in her book where she looked up the gate prices and then when we went to the side to get loaded up--they had the wrong gates getting ready to put them in the truck.  After we finally got outta there, we went to eat and found a little shop that was going out of business and everything in the store was 75% off.  I found all kind of goodies--you know, the usual--things that I didn't need but just "had" to have.  Lots of Wind Chimes, and painted ponies, and Betty Boop goodies.  Poor Lewis, he hates to shop, but he did okay.  Hope that you all have a great day.  F.

Monday, July 11, 2011

America's Most Wanted

It has been a constant battle this year to have even a semblance of a garden.  The drought, bugs, crows, opossums, and now the Racoons.  This is our latest catch--and she was a fighter.  I didn't know that they growl like a dog--We caught her Saturday night.  We baited live traps with Shad (a small bait fish) and I guess the racoons loved them.  They were all gone.  She does have a happy ending though.  We relocated her about 5 miles from the house.  Hopefully, that is far enough away to keep her from the garden.  They really like watermelons.  They will bite or scratch a small hole in the melon and then clean it completely out.  We have probably lost about 30 melons and Cantaloups this hear from all of the critters.  We baited the traps again last night and caught another raccoon.  We relocated this one also.  They are little bandits-that's
for sure.  Thankfully, for this year, the gardening  is
just about over.  It has been to extreme.
We water almost every night and still can't seem to make a dent against the dryness of the soil.  Most of my plants are struggling.  I long for the fall months.
On a lighter note, I did make it up to the studio this weekend and even completed a piece.  I have had an order for some time for a  "Pearls of Wisdom" piece. I completed that--will try to take a picture of it tonight and post it tomorrow- and I got a start on another piece.  You know, there is so much drying time in-between the projects.  I wrote Henry's Poem Saturday.  I miss him so much--it just doesn't seem real for him to be gone.  It happened to quick and I was unprepared.  My heart hurts for him.  I know that he was "just a dog" and non-dog people many not understand.  But I rescued Henry and he showed so much gratitude.  I know you're wondering "now, how does a dog do that"?  He showed it in a thousand ways.  He showed in his actions and in his eyes, in the way that he looked at me and the way that he loved me.  He will be missed for a very long time.  Hope that you all have a great evening--F.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

God Wanted You Too


If you follow my blog, you know that I lost my best friend Wed. July 6.  It was an apparent heart attack.  He was only 3 1/5 years old.  Way too young to leave me.  I know that he was "just a dog", but he was a great friend and a devoted companion and my heart feels broken right now.  Today I wrote a poem about Henry.  It goes"

            God Wanted You, Too.
My Henry
I found you crumpled on the road
Scared and Broken-Still as a stone.

We picked you up and brought you home
From this day forward you would not be alone.

Wounded and silent, you made not a sound.
In a little red wagon I pulled you around.

A favor for you is what we thought.
A new lease on life for you we bought.

A broken dog with 2 bad hips.
Would you ever get around without a limp?

Lack-luster fur, all skin and bones
What a gift to you when we gave you a home.

I didn't know then what I've come to know now.
You became my best friend, my most trusted pal.

Giving all love and asking nothing in return.
For just one more look from you I will forever yearn.

Your heart was too small for all of that love.
And God called for you to join him above.

God wanted you too, and he knows best.
But for you to leave me so soon, I would never have guessed.

I miss your big brown eyes and all of your goofy ways.
Your unconditional love, our evenings on the couch where beside me you'd lay.

Reminders of you are all through the house.
Yesterday at Walmart I almost cried when I picked up a toy mouse.

These little things I see make me think of you.
Remembering all of the things that you used to do.

So long old pal, you were a great friend.
But, one day Henry, I will see you again.

RIP Dear Friend.

Friday, July 8, 2011

God loved you too.

When I found you, I thought that I was doing you a favor--helping you.  Little did I know that it was you who did me a favor.  You gave me unconditional love and complete trust.  I miss you so much--I can't get you off of my mind.  Lewis and I both look for you in the mornings when we get out of bed.  You were there, by my side, every morning and by my side every evening.  I know that you were special because God took you so quickly.  He want you too.  I know that you are running free now--no pain in your hips and I know that you are waiting for me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Henry

Henry in the Snow
About 2 years ago on a dark summer night, my husband and I were coming in late-about 11 p.m.  As we crossed over a bridge I noticed a dog that had been hit, laying on the side of the bridge.  As we drove by I seen him lift his head and look at the truck.  I told my husband that the dog had been hit but was still alive--and that we needed to go back.  We did.  Looking at the dog laying there huddled in a ball, not moving at all, my husband thought he was dead.  I shook my head adamantly! No, he is still alive.  I saw him lift his head.  So in the dark of the night, parked in the middle of the bridge we sat.  I got out of the truck and walked over to him--not knowing how bad he was hurt or how he would react to a stranger.  I knelt down and talked softly to him, while rubbing him gently.  He was curled up tight -not moving a muscle..  My husband yelled that a car was coming and to get off of the bridge--I wasn't moving, not without the dog.  The truck whizzed by, barely missing me and the dog.  By this time, Lewis, my husband was becoming frustrated.  I was determined that I was not going to leave--not without the dog.  So, we gathered him up and put him in the truck.  He never made a sound, not even a whimper.  By the time we made it home it was late and I didn't know what to do with this dog.  My son lives next to me and he was away for the weekend so we decided that it was best to keep him away from the other dogs until we knew his the health situation.  We took him inside and gave him a look--his back end was hurt pretty bad but he didn't seem to have internal injuries.  So here we sit in the middle of the night--a lady and a stray dog.  The stray dog wounded and afraid to even look at me, in pain and probably scared to death. I looked him over,   I cleaned him up that best that I could, gave him food and water and said a prayer. "God, please let him make it 'til morning".  I left him on a pallet of blankets on the kitchen floor and went home and went to bed.  Early next morning I was anxious to check on the dog.  Had he made it through the night??  I walked over to my sons house and opened the door.  I heard him before I saw him.  His tail was pounding on the kitchen floor, so glad to see someone.  He hadn't made a miraculous recovery overnight, but his attitude had changed tremendously.  He looked up at me with big beautiful brown eyes full of trust.  He couldn't get up by himself, so I carried him outside and stood him up.  Once he was standing up, he could maneuver, but it was painful and slow. We had to figure out a way to get him around-he was too heavy to carry.  We remembered a little red wagon that we had stored in the back room of the house--would he stay in it if he were pulled around.  It was worth a try.  We put an old blanket in the bottom of the wagon and placed the dog in the wagon.  He lay there looking up at us as if to say "I don't know what's going on here, but I'll give it a try".  So that became his mode of transportation.  I told Lewis that we needed to give him a name.  He had a happy, trusting face--he looked like a "Henry", so Henry he became.  Henry rode to the vet in the red wagon and was pulled into the vet in the same manner.  I have to admit that Henry looked bad--lack luster fur, skinned up legs, skinny and dirty. I received some pretty nasty look from the patrons in the clinic--how could I let "my" dog get in this condition.  Doc gave Henry and exam and said that he didn't appear to have internal injuries and that his limbs weren't broken, but his pelvis may be.  He said that if  that were the case, then the best thing we could do would be to keep him calm and see how he does.  Doc said that Henry may never get right, he may never run or even walk up stairs.  On top of his pelvis injuries, Henry had heart worm and intestinal worms.  He estimated Henry's age to be 1 1/2 years old.  2 years later and Henry had exceeded all of our expectations.  He has brought nothing but joy to our lives.  When he looks at you his expression is that of total devotion and true love.  During the day while we are at work we put all of the dogs out in the yard for the day and in the evenings we bring them in for the night  The end of the couch is Henry's reserved seat.  He  sleeps next his mama every evening and gives me a hug before I go to bed.  Henry worries, he is a worry wart.  He has adopted a squeaking mouse and when it's given  to him--he can't rest.  He can't lay it down, he has to hold it.  He was the most dedicated companion that I have ever had.  I would often tell Lewis that Henry loved me more than anything on earth and he showed it.  Yesterday, when we got home from work, we went outside  to go to the garden and the kids (dogs) were at the gate, all watching us intently, waiting to come in.  It wasn't time yet.  We talked to them and went on about our chores.  Everyone was fine and the world was good.  About 6 o'clock our neighbor came over to bring us some shelves and on my way across the yard, I  looked through the gate at the kids.  All eyes were on us except one pair.  Henry was laying in the yard--not normal if he knew we were about.  When I called his name he didn't move.  Knowing that there was something wrong, I ran into the yard, but it was too late.  Henry was gone.  I guess his heart was just too small to hold all of the love that he carried.  I miss him so.  To Henry: You were the best companion  and friend that I have ever had. I will miss your big, trusting eyes, your goofy ways and your unconditional love. Rest in peace Henry--mama loves you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My foundling, Lenore
Today we started work early and get off early--will do that for a little while to make it easier on the guys out in the heat.  Hopefully, having shorter days means more studio time--I know that this week is pretty booked up, I have horse feet to trim--1 a day equals 4 days.  But, maybe it won't take too long to trim them up.  I have a few good pieces started and hope to get them out this week and have a few ideas for future pieces.  I was able to get some canvases at Hobby Lobby so I have a pretty good stock to work with.  I have so many plans and so little time..........ahhh, that's life.  Hope you all have a great evening.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to work

Well, our 3 day weekend is over :(.  But it was exceptionally good--we didn't do anything special, didn't go anywhere, didn't even BBQ.  We did get alot done around the house, more pointedly, the barn.  Lewis made alot of progress towards getting the stalls built and I had 2 glorious days in my studio.  Lewis told me that I didn't need to work on the barn with him, that he had it--so, I spent the days in the studio.  I made alot of headway--I got an angel painting finished, an assemblage and another painting done--they had all be started, just waiting to be completed.  I really needed it too.  Sometimes, I just get too consumed with the "have to's", that the "want to's" go to the way side. This weekend the temps. were so hot (103 Sun. and over 100 yesterday), that it brought in some much needed rain. If you listened close enough I swear that you could hear the trees sucking and slurping--yep, it has been that dry.  It did put off the locals fire works for awhile--not for long though.  Big John, our Great Pyranneese is so afraid of them--he was just a mass a jello. He is a foundling, so I don't know what he has been through, what his life history is and why he is afraid, but he is terrified. I was on the floor with Henry and John during the worst of the banging.  Hope you all had a great 4th.  F.

Monday, July 4, 2011

So far we have had a good 4th of July weekend.  I have to be married to the most wonderful man in the world.  You know, we have been working on the barn trying to finish the stalls and tack/feed rooms.  Yesterday, he told me that I could spend the day in the studio and he would work on the barn.  So, all day he stayed in the barn struggling with posts.  I went out and offered to help him more than a few times, but he said that he had it.  I did manage to get a painting just about done and get some other projects moving toward completion.  Today is our last day home--back to work tomorrow.  Seems like time at home goes so fast and time at work crawls--why is that??  Hope to get into the studio today.  Have a great 4th.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Time Off

This is the Guardian of the Animals, an assemblage piece that I did.
We are in the middle of a three day weekend--much needed, I might add.  There has been no break in the weather, it was 103 degrees yesterday with 100 degrees forcasted today.  We did get some of the posts up in the barn for the stalls.  We have the outer shell of the barn complete, but we need to finish the stalls, the tack room and the feed room.  We are getting there slowly.  My neighbor has access to a bunch of shelving and he has been bringing us some of that.  The plan is to turn my old hay barn into a work room and storage room combined.  I hope to have shelves on one wall and one row down the right side (freestanding) and have my tool bench on the other.  I can't wait to get that done.  I did manage to get up to the studio yesterday and work on several pieces.  I didn't get any thing done, but I got 4 pieces in different stages of completion--hopefully, I can begin getting them done soon.  Today we will probably work on the stalls again and maybe I can sneak up to the studio and get a little done.  Hope that you all have a great 4th.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Garden Thief

For those of you who have been following my blog you know that I have a fairly large garden and between the crows, bugs and drought it has been quite a feat to just keep it alive.  We have been battling the crows for about a month--we built Mike, the scarecrow--That did work, but only for a few days.  Next, we tried pie tins tied all around the garden, that didn't even work for one day, we have tried an inflatable snake and lastly, live traps.  When we went out last night to check the garden, something had gotten one of our melons and one of our cantaloupes.  We took a piece of the cantaloupe into the live trap and this is what we caught.  I know that they aren't supposed to be cute  but I think they are.  We didn't hurt him, we brought him to work and let him go by the lake He didn't going along his merry way. We did finally manage
Free at last.....................

to get a little shower last night, it rained for
about 25 minutes, a nice down pour--
We really needed it. I would have had
to water last night--what a relief.... No time
for the studio
last night--I do have a
three day weekend
coming up, much needed
to.  My goal is to get into
the dreaded back room and do an inventory and get some pieces on line. Until we chat again be well.
